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deep repentance
2015年04月30日 22:22NHK World Radio Japan(2015/04/30)は、安部総理の米国議会での演説について伝えています。
今日のキーワードは、 deep repentance 「深い悔悟」
Abe said he earlier visited the World War Two Memorial in Washington. He mentioned the names of battlefields during the war, such as Pearl Harbor and Bataan.
Abe said history is harsh and that what is done cannot be undone. He said he stood at the memorial in silent prayer for some time with deep repentance in his heart.
Referring to postwar reconciliation efforts, Abe said enemies that fought each other so fiercely have become friends bonded in spirit.
He said that after the war Japan started out on its path bearing in mind feelings of deep remorse over the war.
silent prayer は、「黙祷」