通訳案内士になろう! 目標は、TOEIC840点!
Enhanced Fujita Scale
2015年05月12日 22:36CNN Student News(2015/05/12)は、トルネードの強さを現す単位、EF(Enhanced Fujita Scale)について紹介しています。
今日のキーワードは、 EF-5 「改良藤田スケール5」
If you have a 0, you`re going to lose shingles. A 1, you may lose a couple of boards on the roof. A 2, you lose all the windows, and maybe even a wall. A 3, EF-3, you will lose a couple of walls on the outside, but there were still be a part of the home standing.
An EF-4, most of the home is gone but you`ll still see the refrigerator, you`ll still a closet and you`ll still the bathroom. An EF-5, you cannot find the house. It`s completely gone.