通訳案内士になろう! 目標は、TOEIC840点!
hush money
2015年06月10日 22:27Anderson Cooper 360(2015/06/09)は、元下院議長のセックススキャンダルについて伝えています。
今日のキーワードは、hush money 「口止め料」
After 12 days in hiding, Dennis Hastert arrived at federal court in Chicago to a spectacle.
He fought his way through the biggest crash of cameras since his time is the longest serving Republican speaker of the House.
He's accused of paying millions of dollars in hush-money to keep secret allegations of sexual misconduct from his time as a high school wrestling coach. Inside court today, he pleaded not guilty. He was ordered to surrender his passport, all fire arms and give a DNA sample.
He was released on $4,500 bond and left the courthouse alone. Not accompanied by his wife, children or other family members.
Former Federal Prosecutor Paul Butler says he expect Hastert will ultimately plead guilty to avoid a messy trial.
「12日間の潜伏の後、 Dennis Hastertは、シカゴの連邦裁判所に到着。下院議長だった時以来の取材陣とのもみ合いだ。
federal courtは、「連邦裁判所」
speaker of the Houseは、「(米)下院議長」
sexual misconductは、「性的な不品行」