通訳案内士になろう! 目標は、TOEIC840点!
2015年06月04日 22:35Erin Burnett Outfront(2015/06/03)は、長江で起こった転覆事故について、事故現場での家族のいらだちの模様を伝えています。
今日のキーワードは、 lifeline 「命綱」
Rescue workers drilling through the hull of the capsized cruise ship as the search for survivors continues. This is the eastern star cruising down the Yangtze River just minutes before the ship carrying more than 450 passengers and crew ran into a violent storm. Survivors describe rain pounding the ship with such force that water seeped into cabins. One man said he only had 30 seconds to grab a life vest and get out.
Today there's increasing anger from some family members, frustrated over a lack of answers from officials. These families walk for more than four hours coming just a few hundred yards from the river before a line of police block their path. But there is reason to hope more survivors will be found aboard the ship that capsized nearly 60 hours ago. Two years ago, a cook on board a capsized Nigerian tug boat survived 60 hours before his rescue. His lifeline, a small pocket of air.