通訳案内士になろう! 目標は、TOEIC840点!
private area
2015年07月30日 22:10Anderson Cooper 360(2015/07/28)は、ニューヨーク州北部の刑務所から二人の凶悪犯が脱走した件で、刑務所の従業員Joyce Mitchellの自白内容について伝えています。
今日のキーワードは、 private area 「私的な領域」
It is hard to hear. I will admit. She said Richard Matt came to the Taylor shop dressed in a big coat, as she described it. And she said that he had cut a hole in the pocket of the coat and he had left his pants open and he told her to pretend she was giving him a piece of candy and to grab his penis. That's what she told authorities. She did say, though, on a bright note, that he never touched her in her private area.
今日は、日本語訳はあえて載せません。替わりに、Randi KayeとAndersonのやりとりをお楽しみください。