通訳案内士になろう! 目標は、TOEIC840点!
uranium enrichment facility
2015年07月13日 22:21ABC This Week(2015/07/12)は、米大統領選に立候補した、元HPのCEO、Carly Fiorina氏にインタビューしています。
今日のキーワードは、 uranium enrichment facility 「ウラン濃縮施設」
Well, I would have walked away because if you can’t walk away from the negotiating table, the other side just keeps negotiating. And that’s precisely what’s happened. We have caved on every major goal that President Obama set, as Senator Menendez pointed out, and so I would walk away and I would the Iranians that until and unless they are prepared to open every nuclear facility, every uranium enrichment facility to full and unfettered inspections, that we will make it as difficult as possible for them to move money around the global financial system. We can do that. We don’t need anyone’s permission or collaboration to do that.
would have walkedは、仮定法過去。質問が、「もし貴方が、今アメリカ大統領だったら、イランにどう対処しますか?」という仮定形なので、こう答えています。
negotiating tableは、「交渉の場」
Carly Fiorina氏、相変わらず勇ましいですね。尤も、そんな事が本当にできるなら誰もがとっくにやっているような気がします。何となくですが、Donald Trump 氏に通じるものが有りますね。