通訳案内士になろう!            目標は、TOEIC840点!


2015年05月25日 22:52

draw a red line

ABC This Week(2015/05/24)は、イラクとシリアで攻勢を強めるISISに対して、アメリカが、何をするべきかにつき、下院外交委員会Thornberry長官の意見 を伝えています。

今日のキーワードは、 draw a red line 超えてはならない一線を引く

So, what do we do about it? Number one, we don't wait until they get it before we take action that seriously degrades and destroys ISIS. Secondly, we keep pushing at their finances to lower the amount of money they have. But the other thing we've got to do is improve our intelligence capability. We, I think, know less today than we knew five or six years ago about what terrorists around the world are doing for a variety of reasons, but the key way to know what they're doing, to prevent them from getting a nuclear, chemical, biological weapon is to augment our intelligence capability and then you've got to act. You can't draw red lines that you don't follow up on.


intelligence capabilityは、「諜報能力」

nuclear, chemical, biological weaponは、「核・生物・化学兵器、所謂大量破壊兵器」


follow up onは、「徹底的に追求する」


