通訳案内士になろう!            目標は、TOEIC840点!

booby trap

2015年07月17日 22:03

Erin Burnett Outfront2015/07/16)は、テネシー州チャタヌーガの2つの軍事施設で4人の海兵隊員を射殺し、本人も死亡した24歳の容疑者について詳細を伝えています。

今日のキーワードは、 booby trap 「仕掛け爆弾、わな

But right now, you see the police cars behind me, Erin. And that's because they have closed off the street not only to the news media but also to residents. Because right now, federal, local and state officials are inside the house going through it, making sure there's no booby traps, no explosive devices, seeing what evidence they can find. They have been there for at least an hour and a half now. We saw an ambulance go in. We believe that was for precaution. But right now they are in there looking through the house.


federal, local, and state officialsは、「連邦、市、州当局」順番的には、federal, state, and localの方がしっくり来ますね

close offは、「封鎖する、閉鎖する」

go throughは、「捜索する、くまなく調べる」



