通訳案内士になろう!            目標は、TOEIC840点!


2015年02月28日 22:08

NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN(2015/02/28)は、福島県を訪問した英国William王子と安部総理の様子について伝えています。


Abe and the prince played catch and throw with children in the facility. They talked with others playing on a trampoline in the playground.
Abe and the prince planted trees to commemorate their visit. They posed for photos with the children.
The children's instructor, Miho Watanabe, said she shook hands with the prince. She said she and the children agreed that the encounter would be a memory for the rest of their lives.


pose for photos は、「写真撮影のためのポーズをとる

the rest of one's livesは、「一生、生涯」


