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drop in the bucket

2015年04月21日 22:40

CNN Student News(2015/04/21)は、無人船drone shipが開発中であり、近いうちに配備に着くだろうと伝えています。

今日のキーワードは、 drop in the bucket 「わずかの量、ほんの少し

The Pentagon research group, DARPA, is developing a drone ship that would save money and manpower on expensive searches for super quiet enemy submarines.
A prototype vessel is already in production. They`re calling the program the anti-submarine warfare continuous trail unmanned vessel. DARPA says the drone ships will measure 132 feet long and likely cost about $20 million to build.
That`s a drop in the bucket compared to the price of billion dollar manned warships.
If testing proves successful, the Navy could start developing the idea further by 2018.
The vast ocean is a great place to hide, so DARPA is also developing stealthy deep sea robot capsules. They could sit on the ocean floor for years until U.S. controllers trigger them to float to the surface and release unmanned flying vehicles.




DARPAは、Defense Advanced Research Projects Agencyの略で「(米国)国防総省国防高等研究事業局」



in productionは、「製造中」


droneと言えば、テロリストの空爆に使うアメリカのハイテク兵器ですが、drone shipはどうなのでしょう。 Navyが作るのだから平和利用というわけにはいかないでしょうが、droneのようにテロリスト以外に一般人まで巻き添えにしたりとかはやめていただきたいものです。

