通訳案内士になろう!            目標は、TOEIC840点!


2015年04月01日 22:33

CNN Student News03/31/2015)は、近年の米大統領は、講演や出版で巨万の富を築いていると伝えています。


Bill Clinton ranks in the top 10 wealthiest presidents in history. After leaving office, he has earned at least $104.9 million in speaking fees since 2001 and his wife, former secretary of State Hillary Clinton, received an estimated $14 million as a book advance. And she gets more than $200,000 per speaking engagement.
Together, their net worth hovers around $55 million.
And then there`s the Bush family dynasty, whose wealth comes from a rich history in finance and Texas oil. Former President George W. Bush, as of 2012, is slated to be worth $20 million. His brother, Jeb Bush, is said to earn at least $3.2 million for sitting on corporate boards and around $50,000 per speech.



speaking feeは、「講演料」

speaking engagementは、「講演会の仕事(契約)」

slated toは、「予定である」

corporate boardは、「取締役会」


