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stone cold psychopath

2015年06月11日 22:13

Anderson Cooper 360(2015/06/10)は、ニューヨーク州北部の刑務所から脱走した犯人がいかに凶悪な人間かについて伝えています。

今日のキーワードは、stone cold psychopath 「冷酷無比の変質者

He is sadistic. He enjoys it. The power and domination over other people is extremely important to him. Whether that's physically or by pulling another person's emotional heart strings so that he can get what he wants and using people.
This is a man who knows how to charm and manipulate and will keep people around him as long as they're useful. There may be people around him now helping him. But when he is done with them he is done. And like Mary Ellen said, I agree, he is capable of anything. He will not just throw you away. He will destroy you when he is done with you. Stone cold psychopath.




heart stringsは、「心の琴線」

stone coldは、「冷酷無比の」

日本語だと、氷のように冷たいという表現が、しっくりきますが、英語だと石ころのように冷たいと呼ぶようです。 氷だと常に冷たいけど、石になると必ずしも冷たいイメージが持てないというのが、普通の日本人の感覚でしょうね、石焼料理もあるし。


